
Sir Isaac Newton East Pupils Visit Houses of Parliament

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2nd May 2024 Back

On Friday 19th April, 10 students from Sir Isaac Newton East Sixth Form had the opportunity to travel to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. We were very fortunate on the day as both Houses were in sitting, and students were able to go in and observe both the House of Commons and House of Lords. The students then took part in a law and debating workshop. There were lots of opportunities to ask questions and students learnt about some very peculiar laws and how/why they were made. For some students it was also their first visit to London, or their first time on a tube which was quite an eye opener.

One sixth former, Beth, said:

“The trip to the Houses of Parliament was not what I was expecting. I had expected the trip to be very focused on politics and debating, however it was also focused on the history and design of the building itself. I found the history and architecture very interesting because I learnt things that I didn’t previously know and got to see and tour a building with a very different design style to the buildings we see day to day.”